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remembering WW2 Stan LC Weeks, James J Weeks, Max A Weeks, Charles H Weeks

Fundraiser by: WW2 Stan LC Weeks, James J Weeks, Max A Weeks, Charles H Weeks

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remembering WW2 Stan LC Weeks, James J Weeks, Max A Weeks, Charles H Weeks


1914 - 2011 pg 14 of 134 Grandson Francis James Lorna Stan James Max Charles JMW

                      1930Jan21 Girls for Mica Fields 1st LH 16yrs Lorna Weeks Vera Daly Nellie Thomas Doris Pearce Mavis Shipman Ada Cogg chaperon


1938Jan4 Director of Education Unique Attendances Stan Max Charlie Weeks JMW


1941 - 1945 RAN & RAAF RAF Stan James Max Charles Weeks composite JMW


1941 AIF Salvage Operations S64262 ex WWI WEEKS_Leslie_Horace_-_WWII AWM ex WW1



1941Apr15 - 1943Jun12 RAN HMAS Australia 20507 Stan Leslie Charles Weeks AWM


1941Mch Iris Haberman nee Ritchie Land Army JMW



1942 - 1943 RAAF RAF 37 Milner St Hilton SA Charlie & Max_Weeks_web 462 Sqn


1942 - 1943 RAAF Tail Gunner RAF Kinloss Flt Sgt 429840 James ( Jimmy ) John Weeks JMW

1942May7 pg 179 of 248 Battle of Coral Sea HMAS Australia under attack by torpedo bombers Stan Weeks RAN 20507 AWM


1943 - 1945 RAAF Flying Officer 437023 Charles Harold Weeks AJW


1943May11 KIA RAAF Pilot Flight Sergeant 437036 Max A Weeks JMW


1944Aug12 Sacrifice Scroll RAAF Pilot Flt Sgt 437036 Maxwell Allen Weeks JMW


I have created this fundraising page in memory of WW2 Stan LC Weeks, James J Weeks, Max A Weeks, Charles H Weeks who we sadly lost.

With your help, the funds we raise in memory of WW2 Stan LC Weeks, James J Weeks, Max A Weeks, Charles H Weeks will support Legacy Australia.
Click donate to make a secure online donation. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Thank you for your support.


Researcher WW1 & WW2 including the 2 x 4 Weeks Brothers & my dear Mothers Father Harry Ritchie MM ( Pte 732 43rd Btn D Coy )

Remarkably 2 of the 4 WW1 Weeks Brothers were involved in WW2 !

Stanley ( Trooper 1284 3rd LHR A Sqn ) with Catalinas WW2

WW1 wounded 3 times ( as was dear Harry at 1917 Passchendaele I & II, & 1918 Mont St Quentin ):

*  1916 August Romani initial hand to hand combat after the surprise Turkish fanatical night bayonet charge shoulder to shoulder ;

*  1917 October Tel el Saba Turkish stronghold just North of Beersheba previous day & only hours before the 4 & 12 LHRs ( ONLY ) afternoon LH Charge on the ( " unopposed " ) Beersheba Wells ;

*  1918 Solomon Pools evacuated to Jerusalem Hospital after German aircraft attack on watering LH horses of Mobile Vet Section ;


Leslie in Salvage Operations WW2



Francis James ( Jim ) Weeks,

Leslie Horace Charles Weeks,

Stanley William Weeks,

Roy Eric Weeks ;

Harry Ritchie MM



Stan Leslie Charles Weeks,

James ( Jimmy ) John Weeks,

Maxwell Allen Weeks,

Charles ( Charlie ) Harold Weeks ;


In their respectful memory & in solemn tribute for ALL those Service Personnel ( Female as well as Male ) who went before them, are still servicing our magnificent country & well into the future !

Many thanks & sincerest regards Cheers Jeff M.  Weeks


Gift in Memory/ies

WW1 Francis J Weeks, Leslie H C Weeks, Stanley W Weeks, Roy E Weeks ;

Harry Ritchie MM ;


WW2 Stan L C Weeks, James J Weeks, Max A Weeks, Charles H Weeks ;


SBS doco " the REAL Lawrence of Arabia " ( actually the Hejaz Arab North Army were present with Stanleys 2nd of 3 woundings at the ANZACs Tel el Saba assault " preliminaries " few hours before the Beersheba charge ! ) ;

It was the much 1917 LARGER action in the eventual overtaking of the Turkish Stronghold Tel el Saba just North of Beersheba at greater casualties of the LHRs 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 & NZ Mounted Rifles BDE, that allowed ONLY 2 LHRs 4 & 12 to charge UNOPPOSED ( there were 60,000 Allied including the British 20th & 21st ARMIES in the area at the time against ONLY 4,500 Turkish Defenders of the Beersheba Wells ! ) ;

that is why 1916 Romani & 8 day Pursuit by 5 Allied BDEs is much more significant when odds initially against Stanleys 3rd LHR was 17 to 1 ( according to Prof. Perry - " Bill the Bastard " although Medical Downes & the Mounted Soldiers of Australia is 10 : 1 ) & became 10 - 5 to 1 with the 8 day Pursuit ;

the reason for the 60,000 Allied in the area at the time of the " afternoon " LH charge on Beersheba Wells, was because the British

1. 20th ARMY ( Chetwode - Eastern Force ) was assisting by " demonstrating " on a Beersheba flank ;


2. 21st ARMY ( Bulfin - feint against Gaza ) was actually the start of the 3rd Battle of GAZA, in which the LH with now WATERED horses, were now able to play a pivotal role as spearhead Force ;

YES the Lawrence doco didn't also tell you about the

1. 1917 Balfour Declaration ( Land promised to the Hebrews for a " Home Land " , which eventually took precedence over Sykes Picot " Map " )


2. how the British were able to launch against GAZA ( albeit 1st 2 failed assaults & then the 3rd only succeeded because the ANZACs LH spearheaded the 3rd or was it the 4th assault ) before Palestine proper to Damascus & Jerusalem ;

was because of the Chauvel hard won 1916 LH victory ( only 1 of 36 ! ) at Romani the year before !

( much like WW2 naval Battle of the Coral Sea [ including Stan RAN 20507 on HMAS Australia ] allowed the Allied naval victory at the Battle of Midway but is still overshadowed by the D Day Landings commemorations )

I wonder if the 1916Aug Romani 4 hour fire fight before dawn


the 8 day Pursuit by 3 ALH BDEs, British Mounted Yeomanry & NZ Mounted Rifles = 5 BDEs would get more recognition if the Balfour Declaration had been made by Winston & his mates to " rid UK of the clever jew ", in 1916 instead of 1917 :-)

I often think about the heat of Battle confusion of young soldiers including Stanley ( Trooper 1284 ) at Romani on the night of 1916August3 11.40pm with :

* surprised overrun of Chauvels 1st LHB unprotected improvised Outposts hand to hand combat in the dark where 4 Tasmanian Survivors ( SA & TAS 3rd LHR C Squadron ) were famously rescued by Shanahan ( Qld 2nd LHR ) on Bill ( " the Bastard " ) 

* then 4 hour firefight before dawn ;

* ( SA & TAS ) 3rd LHR were fighting continuously 59 hours in the saddle & in classic LH fighting withdrawals ;

* in defense of Mt Meredith ;

* then 1st, 2nd, 3rd LH & British Mounted Yeomanry & NZ mounted rifles = 5 BDEs bayonet charge on 3 - 4 Mile front, whilst mounted, using the rifle & Bayonet as a lance * retreating from swamp & Wadi in cross fires of Turkish & German Artillery, Machine Guns & bayonet charges ;


please RESIZE any attached jpg images to 1285 pixels WIDTH ;

please SMS txt 7days &or eMail as initial contact as I am 80% DEAF ;

Cheers Jeff M. Weeks CPA SA Fin (forensic) Researcher (investigative) Analyst (literary archaeologist) :-)

from my 2020 Oppo A53s mobile phone Australia + 61 (0) 4 28882844 DEDICATED eMail [email protected] since 2018May

for some of my existing & past Projects please view some of my jpg images on the Featured Section :- 

Internet is my University

Google is my Tutor

I am my own Lecturer


Love thy Work

Work thy Love :-)


To put it simply my " aspirations " are to be remembered for " uncomplicating " the complicated ( eg the more complex my input analyses at great time INVESTMENTS, the simpler everyones outcome solutions ) & for the " common good " to everyone everywhere !

Know the Story

Every Story is everyone elses Story !

Many thanks & sincerest regards

Cheers Jeff M. Weeks RSL SA NT Broken Hill Affiliate 64890

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Legacy Australia Incorporated

Legacy is an iconic and uniquely Australian charity founded in 1923, dedicated to supporting the families of our veterans. We ensure that no spouse or child of a veteran suffers financially and socially after the death or serious injury of their loved one. Legacy provides caring and compassionate support for more than 30,000 families of ADF men and women who have lost their life or health, and 1,400 children and dependants with a disability. Legacy is dedicated to enhancing the lives and opportunities of veterans' families through innovative and practical assistance aimed protecting individuals and families’ basic needs, advocating for their entitlements, rights and benefits, assisting families through bereavement and helping people thrive, despite their adversity and loss. For more information on Legacy, visit or call (02) 8333 0600.

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